God - The Creator

God - The Creator

Friday 7 November, 2008

Stable Mind and Intellect

In Hindu Shastras there is a story of a woman named Shandilee . She was very young and beautiful. She used to sit in her ashram and do tapasaya. She had taken an that she will never and remain Brahmcharini. Once by chance Maharishi Gaalav and Garuda( a bird) reached her ashram.
They saw her ashram was very neat and clean and there was so much of peace. When they entered Shandilee's ashram, they admired her glittering beauty. She was deeply immersed in dhyan. She looked very calm, beautiful and satisfied and busy in her own tapasaya.
Then Garuda told Gaalav " look this Shandilee has more beautuiful appearance than Laxmi. we have never witnessed so much tez and powerful woman adorned with beauty. There is so much light in her looks.

Then they asked Shandilee "what is the reason of your tapasaya?"
Shandilee replied "I want to remain aajanam brahmacharini beside that I have no other tapasaya to do. I do tapsaya for peace, for stability of mind."
Garuda asked "Would you like to get married to Lord Vishnu?"
She flatly refused and said there are many other women wanting to get married to Vishnu. You don't have to worry about me. Once I have taken oath, I will stick to it. My body, mind and intellect are isthir(stable). It will never waver, it will not get carried away by your talks or any attractive offers. I keep to my words. I will firmly stick to my oath. You cannot break it"

Then Garuda and Galave tried to play trick on her so that she may change her mind. Gaalav told Garuda that you carry her on your back and take her to Lord Vishnu and we will forcefully get her married to him. Since Lord Vishnu is most handsome, she will agree to marry him.

Shandilee was a brilliant woman. She knew in advance that they have come to break her promise and they have plotted some trick, some plan to trap her and break the oath. She got very annoyed with them. She took holy water from her jug(kamandalu) and gave them shraap that Garuda's wings get burnt so that he cannot fly and Gaalav's body get decayed as he cannot think evil tricks against her.

They both begged sorry from her, apologised for their behaviour. They promised that in future they will never think of breaking her oath. Shandilee then took away her shraap.

There are very few people who keept to their promises. We should have firm determination towards our goal. How much ever others try to tempt or break it, We should be strong enough to retaliate.

This shows that if you your determined and do not get carried away by people's trick, you can have pwers like shandilee.

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