God - The Creator

God - The Creator

Tuesday 22 January, 2008

Wealth: Outside and Within

There is wealth in the outside world and there is wealth inside i.e. within your heart and soul. Which wealth would you prefer?
The wealth outside gives you worries, sleeplessness and restlessness whereas the wealth inside gives you peace and happiness and it soothes your soul.
The wealth outside gets divided, dwindles but the wealth inside gets multiplied, it doubles when shared with others. The riches from outside world are short-lived and the wealth collected from within your heart and soul is carried forward to your next birth.
You are always a beggar and under fear carrying the burden of outside wealth. You are a king and move fearlessly with the light weight of wealth from within. It is in abundance. The more you spend it gets added more. It never ends.
Search, discover and analyze the wealth within you. The true wealth lies there.

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