God - The Creator

God - The Creator

Sunday 13 January, 2008

To Love God You Should Be Fully Prepared

This should not happen that it rains and you cannot collect water, it gets drained. You remain dry so be prepared. There should be feeling of acceptance, there should be thirst, there should be a feeling of restlessness. Have patience. Love glitters like a light in a lamp. It blossoms like a fragrance of a flower. If you are ready then be prepared for the nectar of love of Lord. Every part of body is enlightened. There is fragrance. You can achieve everything, you can win everything, you can be a king It all depends upon the size of the vessel. Your talent, your willingness, your desire and restlessness should be vast and deep to reach upto the expectations of the Almighty. It should have enough space so that God's love is showered like a rain and we are fully prepared to fill our vessel.

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