God - The Creator

God - The Creator

Friday 28 December, 2007

Jo Teri Marzi (Whatever You Wish)

When there is sorrow or sadness in your life, there is a feeling of bitterness, there are problems.
A true disciple cries in front of God. This is the right thing to do to cry in front of God. Crying in front of others, who are already sad and unhappy will not make any sense because they will unburden their tales of sorrow.

If you cry without any inhibitions, with due respect to God in his lap, then you have learnt to pray. Your burden of sadness becomes light, all bitterness, hated,malice, problems all are washed out.

Then slowly, slowly a time comes, we cry in front of God but tears that drip from eyes are not of feeling of sadness, there is no stiffness. Tears are a symbol of Peace. Then we are calm and quiet and we agree with God and say " Jo teri Marzi, . There no complaints, only prayer and you leave everything to God and close your eyes. You are not bothered about any loss or profit. You say I am now holding your hand like a small child who holds his father's hand and walks free. Let father be worried, but the child is happy. singing any moving with his father in the crowd. He is free now,least bothered with no worries. Father is with me, there is no need to worry. You are mine.

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