God - The Creator

God - The Creator

Sunday 30 December, 2007

Happiness and Satisfaction

There is only one way to be happy and satisfied - Whatever you have now, feel happy with that at least, others do not have that to. Those who are intelligent, steady and patient, they know the truth of life is to enjoy and be happy with whatever is gifted to you by the Almighty.

Just try out this simple experiment. Many things can be learnt and experienced by experiments.
Just count on whatever you have, think that you are satisfied with it. Immediately you feel the sense of fulfillment, a feeling of happiness. You will find drastic changes in you, your mind will be free of tensions, worries, jealousy. Suddenly you will feel that darkness has gone from your life. Sun's rays are shinning on you, birds are chirping and there is a stream of happiness within you and your outside world as well.

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