God - The Creator

God - The Creator

Saturday 31 May, 2008

God decides and gives us the Best

This is a story from Budha Granth. It is a story from Tibet.
There was once a Mahatma, he went for pilgrimage and toured around the world. After returning from his trip, he went back to Tibet, he stayed in his friends house. His friend and his wife welcomed him. He told his friend that while on his trip, he found a Taveez from one place. There is one specialty of this taveez that if you demand any three things from it, you will definitely get it. This trick I and friends tried, we demanded three things, we got them but later on we landed up in grave trouble and it was difficult to overcome that problem. I am going to finish this taveez, destroy it. His friend instantly said "You have gone crazy, such a miraculous thing and you want to destroy it. He immediately snatched it from Mahatma's hand and kept it with him. The Mahatma warned him that be careful otherwise you will land up in trouble. Leave it to God and don't use this taveez. He also told him that early morning, close the door, then hold this taveez and ask for whatever you want. The taveez will flick from your hand and fall on the floor and ten minutes after that your demand will be fulfilled. But be cautious.

Next morning the friend of Mahatma and his wife woke up, closed the door of his house and demanded from the taveez that "please give us one lakh rupees." In those days one lakh was never heard of, very few people could afford that much money. The taveez flickered from his hand and fell on the floor. Within ten minutes somebody knocked at their door. When they opened the door they saw that Kings' soldier had come to their house. The soldier then told them that King has called you to his palace to give you one lakh rupees. They asked why? The soldier said that your son, who was in front has been killed in the war, so the king is offering this money in compensation.
They had only one child, they started screaming and crying bitterly that what would they do with the money, we want our son back. His wife immediately reminded him about taveez and said "why not ask from taveez our son back.' The man said that the Mahatma had warned us that it will lead us in trouble, we still have two demands. They flickered the taveez and demanded that they get back their son. The son had died sometime back, he could not be made alive as his body had decayed, his soul(pretatma) came. They could not see him, only hear him calling them "Oh!mother ,Oh!father. Twenty four hours they had to bear his soul which could not do anything for them and made their life miserable. Finally they got fed up and requested the taveez to take back the soul of their son, let it live in peace.

This story indicates that we should not demand or pressurize God to give us things which we need. Leave it to Him, He knows what is best for us. You pray to him and beg him to keep you away from sin.

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