God - The Creator

God - The Creator

Wednesday 7 November, 2007

Prayer, a simple way to reach God

Always pray to God with the true feelings, from your heart's content and not by copying others prayers. Make your own prayer straight from your heart.

Early morning one man reads newspaper and another man reads religious books like Geeta, Bible, Koran etc. But due to some reason both of them are not able to read their usual newspaper or religious book. They become restless and irritant because this habit has become their normal routine.

If we want we can read and enjoy religious books without any rule, without any routine, in a natural and relaxed way, without getting irritated. Newspaper we read and keep it somewhere but religious book should be preached and understood for our good and kept in a special place in our house because God is not a waste. It has to looked with reverence. Is'nt there a vast difference between a newspaper reading and reading a religious book.

Our faith and feeling towards God should be spontaneous and simple and not time bound. It has to be from within where no one can see what you doing, no one can copy your prayer. You just concentrate on your prayers and do not get disturbed.

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