In Maharashtra there has been a famous personality named Mahadev Gobind Ranade. Once he was busy writing something in his notebook. His friend had sent sweet mangoes for him. His wife Ramabai, washed the mangoes peeled them for him. She kept small pieces of mango for him on the table. He started eating one piece, then another piece by saying "I have never eaten such sweet mangoes, they are very tasty." He offered some pieces to his wife and said "distribute it to the neighbours and all the workers in our house."
His wife Ramabai said "since you like mangoes so much why did you take only two pieces. You could have eaten more. Take more and finish this mango." He politely smiled at her and said "it is not necessary that what you like most you must eat more. There should be some control over your tongue, your taste buds"
Ramabai could not sense what was her husband hinting at. He then explained to her that some years back while he was studying in Mumbai , there used to be a lady, his neighbour. She was very rich and had ten servants at her service. Her dining table used to be full with variety of food items. After some years her husband faced some loss in his business. Their financial condition was deteriorating. They removed their servants and would cook only simple food to fill their stomach. Once being so rich they had no control over their tongue. They used to eat sweets and very rich food, but later they had to eat only dal and rice. Looking at their pathetic condition, I had promised and decided that in future I will keep a control over my tongue. Eat within limits so that in future my standard of living does not suffer.
To maintain stability in our financial conditions we should have some control over our spendthrift habits so that in future we and our children should not suffer.
God - The Creator
Friday, 6 February 2009
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