God - The Creator

God - The Creator

Sunday, 7 December 2008

Minimise Your Desires

Main reason to take birth and rebirth is basically due to our unfulfilled desires. We take 84 Lakh times birth(chourasi lakh yonis) because of these desires. But these desires make us behave like beggars and they are never fulfilled. We are never satisfied.
A sufi fakir reached the samraat of his nation's palace. He had a small pot. He told the samraat to fill his pot with whatever little he can donate. Any small thing was welcome. It can be food, clothes, sand, stone, gold, silver anything he can give. The sufi saint told the king that the pot should remain full, it should remain empty.

Samraat ordered his minister by saying "this fakir has a small pot and cannot disappoint a sufi saint, just fill his pot with diamonds." When his minister started putting diamonds in the pot he could hear the sound of diamonds being put in the pot, but he could not see them. They got vanished. from the pot. The pot remained empty. Again he tried to put diamonds, gold, silver and many other things, he could hear the sound but the things would disappear. He went on putting many things from palace property, but the pot never got filled. It remained empty.
The entire property of the samraat was put in the pot, still it remained empty. They could hear the sound of things being put in the pot, but they would get vanished in no time.

When everything got over, the condition of the samraat became like that of a beggar. He had nothing left. The ministers and other people of that nation were surprised. They told the king that he is not a fakir, he is a magician. He is playing tricks on us.

The fakir smiled and politely said "Don't call me a magician. I am a true sufi fakir. I am not greedy. I have no desires. A little food for the day if I get is sufficient for me and if I don't get I sleep without it.

The king then requested him by saying 'if you are a true saint then return my entire property. where have you hidden it. You don't need much then why have your grabbed the property of my palace. The fakir said "first bend low, bow to me and honestly say that you have lost and I have won. The samraat said "I beg you and bend in front of you and agree that I have surrendered and you have won. Now tell me about the pot. It is made of which element?

The fakir laughed and said "this pot is made of the element of Desires, the khopdi of man which is always wanting. The khopdi dies but the wants do not die. This pot is not with me alone, it is with everybody. This stomach of our is satisfied after eating food, but the stomach of this khopdi is never satisfied. How much ever you fill it, it immediately gets emptied. So reduce your desires."
The fakir then returned the kings property and marched towards other places to teach the people that too many desires will not let you sleep in peace.

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