Based on Swamiji’s book Jeevan Veena
Gautam Budh once said “if the strings of veena are loose, it cannot produce music and if the strings are tight then too there will be no music. Music can only heard when the strings are neither too loose nor too tight. There is a center point.” A good musician would always check the strings of the instrument before composing any music. This is the rule of veena.
Then Jeevan(Life) Veena has also the same rule.
Where is this Jeevan Veena?
Human body itself is jeevan veena. There are certain strings in man’s body which should neither be too rigid nor too loose. There should be balance. Then only you can enjoy the bliss of the music of life. Knowing music is like knowing your own soul. Then if you know that there is music in all living beings, then you know God.
Man’s mind is always wondering in the extremes, from one extreme to another, but he is never in the middle i.e. the center. As like clock’s pendulum moves about from one end to another, Man’s mind also jumps from one decision to another, never stops in middle.
At one time the body goes from one extreme of materialistic gains. If not satisfied with this extreme, he moves to attain the extremes of spirituality. Like doing tapasya, gyan, fastings in extremes, endlessly. Then gets frustrated and irritated, never peaceful. Remain in the center, middle path. Stop at center point and balance life in the right way.
The beautiful music from life can only be heard and enjoyed and composed by this law of jeevan veena( A balanced life).
2. Art of Living
Smile and bloom like a flower spreading your fragrance of love.
Dance like a river stream showering happiness in your surroundings.
Shine like sun giving light with rays of hope
Always keep smiling, keep laughing and be happy.
Do not give a grumpy or sad look.
Sit erect, do not stop low.
Do not bring feeling of inferiority in your mind.
No pity or sympathy from others.
Always remember you are God’s child. You are his prince/princess.